Tuesday, 8 November 2011

CA System edge 5.x ca-setup.sh temp space bug - he '' temporary directory does not have enough free space

installing new *nix ca-setup.sh script and had temp space errors. There is a bug in the script on the CA virtual assurance for infrastructure manager agent for unix dvd in this script. the line that checks temp space reads used space as free space so will fail if /tmp is almost empty.

You get this error when there is plenty of free space in /tmp if you have almost no used in /tmp and install fails.
CA-setup bootstrapper version
The '' temporary directory does not have enough free space. Aborting installation.

Lack of free space??? I don’t think so my /tmp is 2gb and 2% used!
df -P -k /tmp
Filesystem         1024-blocks      Used Available Capacity Mounted on
/dev/mapper/vg00-tmpvol   2030995     38471   1887782       2% /tmp

Debugging where this comes from shows:

+ checkTmpSpace
++ du -ks .
++ awk '{print $1}'
+ NEED_SPACE=53616
++ expr 53616 + 100
+ NEED_SPACE=53716
++ df -P -k /tmp
++ tail -1
++ awk '{print $3}'
+ FREE_SPACE=38470
+ '[' 38470 -lt 53716 ']'
+ logExitWithMsg 1 TMP_TOO_SMALL

Here is the function
    # Find how much space is in the current dir.
    NEED_SPACE=`du -ks . | awk '{print $1}'`
    # Add a bit extra just for case.
    NEED_SPACE=`expr $NEED_SPACE + 100`
    # Find how much free space is in temporary location.
    FREE_SPACE=`df -P -k $CA_SETUP_TMPDIR | tail -1 | awk '{print $3}'`
    if [ $FREE_SPACE -lt $NEED_SPACE ]
        logExitWithMsg 1 TMP_TOO_SMALL

If you look closely at the output the function read you wil see it should be {print $4} not print $3 because it is reading the USED value 38471   as FREE instead of 1887782       

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Deleting a user who created SCOM/operations manager scheduled report stops report from running

one annoying issue that came up for us recently after some user housecleaning in SCOM. If you delete the active directory user who created a scheduled system center operations manager report the scheduled report will no longer run and there is no easy way to rectify the problem. This is a similar problem to what happens if you delete the user who created a notification subscription although in that case the user SID's can be edited by export/import of the notification management pack. however this scheduled report problem stems from the SRS MS SQL Report server database 'creator' attribute for a report subscription and is not a problem in operations manager at all.

After much scouring of the net I found this post which is a solution but I thought I would post it here so if you are searching for 'OperationsPublish Post Manager 2007 r2 deleted creator user scheduled report won't run' or something similar you will hit upon the solution very quickly!

Monday, 13 June 2011

VBSShell - embed a powershell script in a vbscript and setting ExecutionPolicy from registry

I recently had a situation where I could deploy a vbscript to lots of machines remotely via another product but it wouldn't do powershell natively which was a shame because I had a great powershell script to do the job I wanted to achieve right then.

So I wrote this script I called VBSShell that is a vbscript wrapper for a embedded powershell script.

When executed on a machine it will extract the embedded string to a ps1 file in %temp% then execute it and capture the output.

if powershell execution policy is not >=RemoteSigned script has logic to:
- abort
- edit setting temporarily via Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell\ExecutionPolicy
- alternately permanently change the setting (not recommended by me!!)

I also wrote  a second script to encode a ps1 file as a second file containing the string to paste into the vbsshell wrapper because its a bit of a pain doing it by hand (because " is invalid!)

I've pasted the two scripts below

' VBSShell
' vbscript powershell wrapper.
' useful if you have a situation where you want to run a powershell on a machine via a package system that only allows you to run a vbs
' this script will
' 1) find powershell and store binary location (exit if not found)
' 2) make a 'local' ps1 file of the script content
' 3) create a batch file in .tmp to execute and > output to temp file
' 4) read script output and echo so you can see in vbscript output what the script did + errors

' note regarding powershell script security
' by default powershell will not permit ps1 scripts.
' for vbs to execute a powershell script the policy must be >="RemoteSigned" at some point typically by "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned" in ps prompt.
' there are flags below that allow you to control the behavour of this script around this issue.
' options include:
' - exit if PS policy to restrictive and do nothing.
' - temporarily set to RemoteSigned then revert at script end
' - permanently set to RemoteSigned

' Note - debug mode
' there is a debug sub at end of script. uncomment this sub's echo to enable extended logging to STDOUT

' version
' 1.03

' error control (to ensure script ends if any ps policy change)
On Error Resume Next

' ################################# CONFIG OF PS1 CONTENT ######################################

' note you will have to replace " with chr(34) or """" unfortunately...
' and this can be tricky as open quote should be chr(34) & " vs closing quote " & chr(34)
' you can import a file here instead but for my purpose if I could do that in the application I need this for I wouldn't have written this script!
' you can use encoder.vbs in this folder to create encoding for ps1 file.

Dim ps1Content

ps1Content= " # example.ps1 to demo encoding file " & vbcrlf & _
" # This is a powershell test script " & vbcrlf & _
"  " & vbcrlf & _
" $a = 1 + 1 " & vbcrlf & _
" " & """" & "1+ 1 = $a" & """" & " " & vbcrlf & _
"  " & vbcrlf & _
" dir | format-List " & vbcrlf & _
"  " & vbcrlf & _
" # the end " & vbcrlf & _

' ** WARNING END ALL SCRIPTS WITH "exit" *** or you will make this script potentially hang indefinitely waiting for the ps prompt to close!!

' ################################### SETUP SOME GLOBAL OBJECTS #############################################
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8
const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002

Set WshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell")
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

dim ThisScript,ThisPath,ScriptName,TEMPDir,epoc

' epocnow time used to stamp files
epocnow = datediff("s","01/01/1970 00:00",now)

ThisScript = wscript.ScriptFullName ' name of the script including path.
ThisPath =  Left(ThisScript, InstrRev(ThisScript, "\")) ' path where script is run - used for relative pathing
ScriptName = right(thisScript,len(thisscript)-len(thispath))

TEMPDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%TEMP%")

if right(TEMPDir,1)="\" then

TEMPDir=TEMPDir & "\"
end If

debug TEMPDir

' ################################## CONFIG FOR POWERSHELL #########################################

' possible values for powershell security (get/set-executionpolicy)
' "not set" == Restricted
'Restricted (default)
' this script can only succeed where >=RemoteSigned

' set this value to true to set "RemoteSigned" if more restrictive policy in place
' the vbs will set policy to RemoteSigned if required if this is true otherwise if can't proceed error
'Const PowershellOverride = false
Const PowershellOverride = true

' set this value to true to revert to previous powershell setting (if you set Powershelloverride to true)
' if true and change made will revert to previous value at end of script.
Const PowershellRevert = true

Dim powershellBin,CurrentpsPolicy,TemppsPolicy,CanGo,PsChanged
TemppsPolicy = "RemoteSigned"

' read current powershell path
if ReadRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell","Path",powershellBin) Then

wscript.echo "powershell: " & powershellBin
debug "ERROR no: Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell-Path. Powershell not installed??"
End If

' read current execution policy
if ReadRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell","ExecutionPolicy",CurrentpsPolicy) Then
wscript.echo "powershell: " & CurrentpsPolicy
debug "ERROR can't read: Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell-ExecutionPolicy"
wscript.echo "Assume Restricted"
CurrentpsPolicy = "Restricted"
' wscript.quit(2)
End If

If CurrentpsPolicy = "Restricted" Then
ElseIf CurrentpsPolicy = "AllSigned" Then
ElseIf CurrentpsPolicy = "RemoteSigned" Then
ElseIf CurrentpsPolicy = "Unrestricted" Then
debug "ERROR unknown value for PSPolicy: " & CurrentpsPolicy
End If

debug CurrentpsPolicy

If CanGo = True Then

If PowershellOverride = True Then
PsChanged = true
If WriteRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell","ExecutionPolicy",TemppsPolicy) Then
wscript.echo "Powershell Policy set to " & TemppsPolicy
wscript.echo "ERROR overriding PS Policy"
End if
wscript.echo "CANT PROCEED as powershell policy too restrictive: " & CurrentpsPolicy
End If

End If

' ######################################## END POWERSHELL CONFIG   #####################################

' show content for debug
debug ps1Content

' now create the local text file containing the ps1
' and the bat file

Dim ps1name, filehandle, batname, outname

ps1name = TEMPDIR & ScriptName & epocnow & ".ps1"

' debug
'wscript.echo ps1name
Set filehandle = oFSO.OpenTextFile(ps1name,ForWriting,true)
filehandle.write ps1Content

outname = TEMPDIR & ScriptName & epocnow & ".tmp"
batname =  TEMPDIR & ScriptName & epocnow & ".bat"

'wscript.echo batname
'wscript.echo outname

Set filehandle = oFSO.OpenTextFile(batname,ForWriting,true)
filehandle.writeline powershellBin & " " & Chr(34) & ps1name & Chr(34) & " > " & outname

' execute the ps1 which is local to set-execution policy remotesigned should allow
WshShell.Run batname,7,true
DEBUG batname

Dim Output
Set filehandle = oFSO.OpenTextFile(outname,ForReading)
Output = filehandle.readall

DEBUG outname

wscript.echo "** SCRIPT EXECUTED WITH OUTPUT: " & vbcrlf & output

' if changed policy do you want to revert?
If PsChanged=True Then
If PowershellRevert=True then
WSCRIPT.ECHO "REVERT powershell execution policy BACK TO : " & CurrentpsPolicy
If WriteRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell","ExecutionPolicy",CurrentpsPolicy) Then
wscript.echo "Powershell Policy set to " & CurrentpsPolicy
wscript.echo "ERROR overriding PS Policy. Policy still set to " & TemppsPolicy
End If
wscript.echo "WARNING - powershell execution modified at your request from: " & CurrentpsPolicy & " to " & TemppsPolicy
End if
End if

Set WshShell = nothing
Set oFSO = nothing


' ############## FUNCTION #########################
' if ReadRegStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,"Software\Microsoft\PowerShell\1\ShellIds\Microsoft.PowerShell","ExecutionPolicy",MyVariable) Then
Function ReadRegStringValue(KEY,strKeyPath,strValueName,ByRef strValue)
' returns true if value exists and false if doesn't exist
' strValue set to content of registrystring
' can return null if wmi connect fails
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
If Not err.number = 0 Then
debug "ERROR:  can't read registry"
ReadRegStringValue = FALSE
debug "reading " & KEY & "\" & strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName
oReg.GetStringValue KEY,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
if isnull(strValue) OR err.number > 0 then
debug "ERROR:  can't read string value  " &strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName
ReadRegStringValue = FALSE
debug "Read string value from : "& strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName  & " of " & CHR(34) & strValue & CHR(34) & " LEN: " & LEN(STRVALUE)
ReadRegStringValue = TRUE
end if
End If
End Function

Function WriteRegStringValue(KEY,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue)
' returns true if value exists and write succeed
Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\default:StdRegProv")
If Not err.number = 0 Then
debug "ERROR:  can't read registry"
WriteRegStringValue = FALSE
debug "writing " & KEY & "\" & strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName
oReg.SetStringValue KEY,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue
if not err.number = 0 then
debug "ERROR:  can't write string value  " &strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName
WriteRegStringValue = FALSE
debug "Wrote string value to : "& strKeyPath & "\" & strValueName  & " of " & strValue
WriteRegStringValue = TRUE
end if
End If
End Function

Sub debug (AString)
' comment me for prod!
wscript.echo "D: " & AString & " "  & err.number & " " & err.description
End sub

****************** encoder.vbs *****************************
' VBSShell
' vbscript powershell wrapper encoder script
' this script will convert a ps1 text file to a output file in same dir that is in right format to paste into the config section of the vbsshell script
' i.e with quotes etc

' version
' 1.01

' it should be in local folder of this script.
ps1name = "example.ps1"

Dim ps1Content
Dim ps1name, filehandle, outname,aline

' ################################### SETUP SOME GLOBAL OBJECTS #############################################
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2

Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

dim ThisScript,ThisPath,ScriptName

ThisScript = wscript.ScriptFullName ' name of the script including path.
ThisPath =  Left(ThisScript, InstrRev(ThisScript, "\")) ' path where script is run - used for relative pathing

' prefix local path
ps1name = ThisPath & ps1name 

' debug
wscript.echo ps1name
Set filehandle = oFSO.OpenTextFile(ps1name,ForReading,true)

' set to blank

Do While filehandle.AtEndOfStream = False
aline = filehandle.readline

aline = Replace(aline,Chr(34),Chr(34) & " & " & Chr(34)& Chr(34) & Chr(34) & Chr(34)& " & " & Chr(34),1,99)
aline = Chr(34) & " " & aline & " " &  Chr(34) & " & vbcrlf & _ " & vbcrlf
ps1Content = ps1Content & aline 

' ** WARNING END ALL SCRIPTS WITH "exit" *** or you will make this script potentially hang indefinitely waiting for the ps prompt to close!!
ps1Content=ps1Content & """" & "exit" & """" & vbcrlf

outname=ps1name & ".out.txt"
wscript.echo outname

' now create the local text file containing the ps1 encoded to paste
Set filehandle = oFSO.OpenTextFile(outname,ForWriting,true)
filehandle.write ps1Content

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Counting SCOM / System Center Operations manager Enterprise Licences

SCOM 2007 has a builtin license report. Unfortunately if you override discoveries to remove 'enterprise ML liable' objects it is never reflected in this report so it always overstates your license count.

say for example you override exchange or sql MP so the exchange/sql objectss are not discvered it will still report these as enterprise license objects if they ever were discvoered at some point. I think this might be a problem that report can't tell between current and past licenses for an object. no matter how many objects of type Microsoft.SystemCenter.License.Enterprise you actually have in 'dicovered inventory'....

I've created a powershell script to spit out the objects right now that are the class objects for standard and enterprise liceses which is a 100% accurate count of what licenses you are really using right now.

############ Licencing ########################
$myclasses = "Microsoft.SystemCenter.License.Standard","Microsoft.SystemCenter.License.Enterprise"
foreach ($classname in $myclasses )
{ # get class
 $instances = get-monitoringClass -name $classname
 # get list as a string sorted by name and remove text that prefixes each name for some reason.
 $mylist = $instances | get-monitoringObject | select-object pathName | Sort-Object  pathname | out-string | foreach {$_ -replace "$classname3a","" }
 # output
 $mylist | foreach {$_ -replace "2d","-"} > c:\temp\SCOM_License_$classname.txt

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

3 useful SCOM powershell reports

Often one wants quick access to a list of agents in SCOM or perhaps a report of open alerts.

In our SCOM setup it takes what sometimes seems an eternity to open the console so here's a quicker way.

It's not very obvious with System Center Operations Manager / SCOM how to extract a list of agents so here are three useful powershell queries to export data with the first example being a list of agent objects with just key columns of data.
These examples make use of the Select-Object and Sort-Object commandlets

########### GET AGENTS / AGENT LIST#######################
# export a list of agents sorted by name and showing only key columns of data
$Body = get-agent | select Name,DisplayName,PrimaryManagementServerName,HealthState,Domain,IPAddress,Version,InstallTime,InstalledBy,ProxyingEnabled | sort-object Name
$Body | ConvertTo-Html | set-content c:\temp\$Title.htm

############ OPEN Alerts ########################
# export a list of alerts sorted by LastmodifiedDate desc and showing only key columns
# do as csv because typically massive
$Body =get-alert -criteria 'ResolutionState = "0"' | select Id,Name,Priority,Severity,TimeRaised,LastModified,MonitoringObjectDisplayName,MonitoringObjectPath,Category,Description,MonitoringObjectId,MonitoringClassId,IsMonitorAlert | sort-object LastModified -descending
$body | Export-Csv c:\temp\$Title.csv

########## PENDING ACTIONS ##################
# export a list of pending actions (agents waiting to be approved in Pending management screen)
$Body = get-agentpendingaction | select agentname,AgentPendingActionType,ManagementServerName,LastModified | sort-object agentname
$Body | ConvertTo-Html | set-content c:\temp\$Title.htm

Monday, 28 March 2011

Attack of ^M aka carriadge return (CR) in vbscript

I spent a lot of time nailing an obscure vbscript problem. I was using a function to split a command output using vbscript regular expression object. the bizarre problem I encountered was that because the command output was many lines long it contained vbcrlf characters as the last 2 chr of the line.

before splitting the string into the ObjRE.Submatches collection the whole string appeared as you would expect
xxxx vbcrlf
yyyyy vbcrlf

post splitting using a pattern and the 'multiline' property I ended up with each submatch collection object having a hidden cr charater last character which in vi appears as ^M. in my other text editor (editplus) it said it was chr 0A

I tried everything I could think of to replace or even 'instr' the chr using various possiblites (chr 10, chr 13, vbcrlf) etc. but vbscript just ignores it and the cr remains annoyingly embedded in the string just itching to cause trouble later on...

eventually the only fix I could find was to trim the last char from each submatch item e.g
  For Each submatch In oMatch.Submatches
   if len(submatch)=0 or isnull(submatch) then
      retstr = retstr & Left(submatch,Len(submatch)-1) 

this seems a dumb way to do this but vbscript just won't seem to handle the single cr character consistently.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Operations Manager (SCOM) 2007 - How to remove cluster objects from scom when computer objects in cluster cannot be deleted

This is variation of previous posts like these ones I just use remove-disabledmonitoringobject for the last steps which I think is safer.

Find agentless objects in agentless managed view. In our case they were cluster computer names and had a class of ‘windows computer’ and name = fqdn of the cluster server name. (not the two servers that hosted it). The agent machines were already decom but couldn’t be deleted from scom. The proxy agent pointed at a node we were trying to delete but couldn’t

In sql find it in bme table by query
SELECT     BaseManagedEntityId, BaseManagedEntityInternalId, BaseManagedTypeId, FullName, Path, Name, DisplayName, TopLevelHostEntityId, IsManaged,
                      IsDeleted, LastModified, OverrideTimestamp
FROM         BaseManagedEntity
WHERE     (Name LIKE '%CLUSTERXYZ%') AND (FullName LIKE '%Computer%')

Copy the FIRST column BaseManagedEntityID e.g

run a select by ID to be 900% certain you have the right object
SELECT * FROM dbo.[BasemanagedEntity] where

You should get 1 result with correct looking name etc.

Then run the update query to make scom think it is deleted
UPDATE dbo.[BasemanagedEntity]
SET IsDeleted = 1
where BaseManagedEntityID='fc798482-69b4-d04c-642f-93f1c8d80b8b'

now refresh ‘agentless managed’ and problem object should have disappeared. Repeat this for any invalid clusters that still appear in agentless managed.
Now it will let you delete the agent’s machines from the cluster in agent managed view.

Open command shell and run this to clean up any mess.

This will find all the cluster class child objects and make them ‘is deleted’ etc. Some posts have this as a manual step with more db updates of multiple objects in BME table but I think this way is safer.

At this point the clusters should disappear from 'monitoring' views.

Monday, 21 February 2011

vbscript determine local timezone and UTC time

I've found it quite hard in the past to find script snippets on net for vbscript when you need to convert between UTC and local time in vbscript.

This has been useful for me in scripts that access database data that's stored in UTC (for example MOM & SCOM).

' UTC and dd mm yyyy vbscript code example

' Rick Jury

' ShowUTCTimeNow = Vbscript code to extract a UTC time for local machine using WMI

' DateRegion = show if dd/mm/yyyy or not in regional settings

' Also shows how to calculate the time offset from local time vs UTC.


' I couldn't find any working examle of how to make vbscript show a UTC time instead of local time so wrote one using WMI.

' note - ActiveTimeBias used in some code doesn't work on my vista machine as its a big dword.


' call function to show my utc time not local time.

MyUTCTime = ShowUTCTimeNow

wscript.echo "local UTC time is: " & MyUTCTime


' call a function to show dd mm yyyy format

MyFormat = DateRegion

wscript.echo "d m y format locally is: " & MyFormat


' Now how to figure out how many hours we currently off UTC allowing regardless incliding daylight savings

' returns difference of utc to now to HourOffset

wscript.echo "Current Offset in hours is: " & DateDiff("h",MyUTCTime,now)


Function ShowUTCTimeNow ()

                ' returns a string representing current UTC time but represented in typical vbscript acceptable date format 


                Const wbemFlagReturnImmediately = &h10

                Const wbemFlagForwardOnly = &h20


   Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & "." & "\root\CIMV2")

   Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_UTCTime", "WQL", _

                                                                                                                                                                  wbemFlagReturnImmediately + wbemFlagForwardOnly)


                For Each objItem In colItems

     ' WScript.Echo "Day: " & objItem.Day

'      WScript.Echo "DayOfWeek: " & objItem.DayOfWeek

'      WScript.Echo "Hour: " & objItem.Hour

'      WScript.Echo "Milliseconds: " & objItem.Milliseconds

'      WScript.Echo "Minute: " & objItem.Minute

'      WScript.Echo "Month: " & objItem.Month

'      WScript.Echo "Quarter: " & objItem.Quarter

'      WScript.Echo "Second: " & objItem.Second

'      WScript.Echo "WeekInMonth: " & objItem.WeekInMonth

'      WScript.Echo "Year: " & objItem.Year

                                If DateRegion = "US" Then

                                                ShowUTCTimeNow = objItem.Month & "/" & objItem.Day & "/" &objItem.Year & " " & objItem.Hour & ":"&objItem.Minute & ":" & objItem.Second


                                                ShowUTCTimeNow = objItem.Day & "/" & objItem.Month & "/" &objItem.Year & " " & objItem.Hour & ":"&objItem.Minute & ":" & objItem.Second

                                End If



End Function


Function DateRegion()

                ' This function identifies if you are running mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy

                ' knowing this is critical if you are converting string to date etc.

                If DatePart("D","12/06/2007") = "12" Then

                                DateRegion= "NZ"


                                DateRegion= "US"

                End If

End Function

blog content

hi this blog will include technical comments, discoveries and other interesting things of note in the specialist subject areas I am interested in in the enterprise system management tools space and some other areas of IT I'm interested in like vbscript.